Monday, December 13, 2010

The dreaded Two-week-wait!

Im in the dreaded 2ww. Ive been doing this for 3 years and 8 months, so after a while you start to lose hope of getting a BFP, but hey, lets hope for the best! So the one follie didn't grow even a millimeter past 13mm when we went back to the FS, but the other one grew nicely to 20mm, so that was awesome! They gave me an Ovidrel injection to release the egg so we knew the exact time of ovulation and got to sort our business accordingly ;) Im not feeling too well- getting a bit of side effects due to all the hormones being injected into me but at least i know its a good thing. I also felt stabbing pains today in my right ovary (the one that didnt grow any) so im hoping it actually caught up and that i still have double the chances of getting knocked up this month!

Now they cant mess around any more untill the end of this cycle, so theres no way of knowing how the follies are doing... all we can do is hope and pray untill the 28th when my blood test is due!

Oh and by the way, the acronyms are on the blog itself, so if you read this via your email, you might not know a single thing of what i just said. And also some people asked about posts they made and wasnt sure if i get them- if you reply to the mail, i get it, but only when i log into the mailing list.  If you reply on the blog itself, i get it instantly via emial! Thanx once again for your support, it means the world to me! Love and kisses xoxoxoxox

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