Ek is so opgewonde oor ons pad wat voorle, want ek weet daar is nog so baie goeie goed wat moet kom... So 'n rukkie terug het een van my vriendinne wat ook gesukkel het om swanger te raak, besluit om 'n baba- laai te maak in haar huis vir al die goedjies wat sy begeer het om te koop vir haar toekomstige baba. Dit het haar baie gehelp om die hoop tasbaar te maak... so ietsie waarna mens kan gaan kyk elke nou en dan as jy wil moed opgee. En dan maak dit ook nie so 'n groot storie van die feit dat mens net sooo graag ietsie wil koop nou en dan nie. As jy nou wel oulike booties of iets sien, dan mag jy dit koop vir die laai... want kind sal ek he, maak nie saak op watter manier nie. Dit is amper 'n gesonde manier om van die opgeboude emosies ontslae te raak- mens kan uiting gee aan jou behoeftes. So toe het ek ook vandag begin... hier is my eerste aankoop :)
Tesame met dit het ek die vrede van God in my hart! Ek voel net so positief en gereed vir die ding. Ek was baie bang dat ek myself gaan toelaat om seer te kry as ek te veel hoop het, maar toe onthou ek een van die mans wat op 'n forum is waaraan ek behoort. Hierdie gaan nou lank wees, maar verskoon tog, dit is elke woord werd! Ek het nogal sy stories gevolg, want daar is maar so once in a blue moon 'n man op, maar die een was nie skaam nie en hy wou PRAAT daaroor! Hy het die snaakste ervaringe gehad tydens sy journey wat hy op die forum gepost het wat ek nou eers met jul wil deel voor ek sy wonderwerk met jul deel. Ek quote hier sy Most embarrassing moments terwyl hy en sy vrou TTC (Try To Conceive): Ps verskoon asb want hy is baie reguit en het hier en daar 'n kras woordje gebruik ;) :
Most embarrassing moment 1
"Well here we go, all us guys know what the inside of a donating room looks like, well I have been in a few different ones in JHB and in Potch. JHB had nice pictures on the wall, a fancy Computer with umm... u know pretty pics and videos lets call them videos of stars and flowers as in the old 1980 Playboy Mags All the tools you need, nice and spacious and pretty comfy. Now Potch, went to 2 in potch, both a single toilet, yes toilet. Now on my very first deposit if you can call it that, I had been given a small cup and a box of tissues and told to not miss the cup and use no lube or anything. Upon entering the toilet cubicle I smelt what could have only been a man with a very up set stomach who had beans dipped in curry the night before, it ponged in there. I am now very concious that this smell is not going to disapprear and the brown marks on the floor around the toilet were enough evidence that the nurse did not have the same discussion about missing the cup with this gentleman. Now I was grossed out completely and thought so many times of just leaving the lad and returning on a different day. Well being the good husband I am and realizing that we need the speciman as soon as possible I pushed through, I must have battled for 45 mins to get the sample into the stupid little cup, not because they make those damn cups so small and inconvenient but because I could not muster up any turn ons or thoughts in that smell and mess. The worst part is I eventually finnished collecting and started to freshen up which by then I needed because it felt like I was at sewge works, I accidentally spilt water from the tiny basin they had, which I think was only there in case they had Elves visiting, all over my pants in the crotch area, now this looked horrible, I was just trying to dry this when the nurse kept banging on the door saying that I can come back another day if I wanted as they had other clients waiting. By then I was holding this little cup in one hand, my pants all wet from the basin, the smell never let up and poo all over the floor. I braved up and walked out, handed the cup to the nurse, everyone obviously looks down there when they know what you have done in there to see if they can see some sort of bump, guess that is human nature and automatically saw the water marks. Another nurse took the next gentleman to the same little toilet cubicle and with a loud cry said, heavens no, Doloris kom maak hier skoon, which mean come and clean this mess for those who do not understand Afrikaans. They all looked at me, patients, nurses even my wife, when Doloris got there I just got a glare, shake of the head and a click of the tounge, mop in hand she started cleaning. Now I can only imagine what the other 7 or so patients sitting there must have thought. Anyway I explained the story to my wife when we walked out the door and she hosed herself with laughter, she didnt stop, I asked why she was laughing so much and she said look at your shoe, yes the dreded old toilet paper stuck to the shoe, my gosh, you know what I there and then almost popped with embarassment. Well there we go, story number one, I will post weekly with a few others, not sure why all the embarassing things happen to me but hey atleast it's funny, hahahahaha."
Most embarrassing moment 2
"You all know by now that I have a bilateral Varicocele right.... Well how did they find out? By doing the whole Sonar scan thing. Now Fertility Clinics are one thing, they know what to expect, xray rooms a whole different story. First they tell me to undress and put on a very womanly dress that suppose to cover your entire body, now being 1.9m tall the dress was a tad short especially if you have things danggeling between your legs I then has to sit on a cold steel chair waiting for the doctors who would be doing the scan, my beautiful wife next to me, she always comes with everywhere, shame she is so wonderful, anyway sat there in Winter with a cold breeze blowing under the gown with all hanging free, sat for about 1 hour, after had to have a scan done on my xmas decorations (can only call them that as they are not currently doing their job) There was definate feeling and cupping for some time by a member of the same sex which I can pretty much say was my first homosexual experience, he must have enjoyed it as he played for a good part of 10 mins. Then he put cold gel on them and started moving the sonar all over them (no I swear I did not get arroused in case you were thinking the story would go that way, did get a little bigger if I had to be honest but I think it was warmer in the Sonar Room so....) would have been funny as hell though if it did then came time to move it left and right and up and down and my gosh please end, well it didnt. He then asked for a 2nd opinion calling in another very embarrassed gentleman, picture this 2 men staring and feeling my sack which I stand there but naked holding the sonar gun for them....... embarassing as hell, my wife just smiling and looking as beautiful as ever tried her best not to burst out laughing but the worst came when they asked me to blow as hard as I could into my hand to see the blood flow on the sonar, cheeks puffed and queeving noices coming from the pressure on my hand against my mouth, one foot up on the bed, the other hand holding my member up, doctor with gun on sack, both doctors looking down at that area and wife red and holding in laughter..... BAM in walks a young nurse to speak to the one doctor and thats what she sees. You can imagine the walk out of there, thanks again to you all and hope to see many more stories, please feel sorry for me "
Most embarrassing moment 3
"You all know now that I needed to go in for a Varicocelectomy, just to explain this is a procedure where they block off the veins running to a mans happy sack and then remove the nuisance veins. Now starting from enterance into the hospital with my Darling Wife and Parents....... We arrived at reception, the young lady at the counter asked who my Dr was and what I was there for, I replied a Varicocelectomy. With an extremely confused look on her face and a very full reception she asked what it was? (I presume not knowing how embarassing it was for me to talk about) As I was about to explain it quietly to her and her alone, a huge fat woman in the back shouted "Hulle gaan op sy ballas opereer want hulle werk nie so lekker nie." I mean come on. The people in the reception tried their absolute best not to look down there and laugh while I was walking back to my seat but I guess you can't help looking there if you know what I mean, its kinda like when someone has an amputated arm, you cant stop looking at it even though you know you shouldn't and you mean no disrespect by looking. I then got a few scaley smiles and winks from two witty old ladies sitting next to me. After about 10 mins when they said I can follow the large nurse to my ward room, we got up and just before leaving the one old lady put her hand on my arm and said "Sterkte" which was then followed by a room that decided collectively that it was all of a sudden funny to laugh at the poor man having his balls operated on
I then went into my ward room and met 2 old men which were staying in the same ward room as mine, we all had the same doctor and becuase Urology is usually for older peoples bladders faulty working parts (no disrespect) it was strange to see such a young guy in this ward room. The nurses kept laughing at the fact that I was there with these to men and the two old ballies kept mocking this young healthy looking man saying that I dont need to go through such extremes to gain attention from my parents, a mere bump of the head would be sufficient enough, can u believe. Anyway they then started asking me what I was in for and again I knew what was coming, I tried explaining in the whole thing in the easiest way possible but all they heard was balls, balls, balls.... I didnt take offence to the laughter that came with it and the two old man batteling to breathe as they kept repeating the word balls. It didnt take long and one of the nurses entered to ask us what we would like for supper the one very bright old man excitedly shouted MEAT BALLS.... they absolute bursted into laughter and forgot all about the reason why they were there in the first place, now me worried about these 2 golden oldies having heart attacks I calmed the situation down by saying that I would just like a bottle of water please upon leaving the nurse standing next to the door with now an audience of 3 other nurses because of the comossion asked if we would like anything else with the meat balls? The other wise old man sitting crouched on the bed cleaning the tears off of his coke bottle glasses cleaverly chirped up and said CHUTNEY PLEASE.... MRS BALLS CHUTNEY OMW..... I started going red with embarassment and hid my face behind my wife who tried her best not to laugh but it was just too funny and joined in on the laughter which could be heard through out the entire ward B. My only comfort at this point was my sexy wife hiding me away and holding my sweaty had and the comforting smiles from my parents that were probably thinking how proud they were of their sons famous Balls. It was now official my nickname for the rest of the time in hospital was now MRS BALLS, how lovely...... dont you think? And everytime a new nurse asked why, it was followed by the explanation and yes... more laughter. "
Most embarrassing moment 4
"Now going back to the second story about the whole Sonar debacle, once Varicoceles were detected we had to see the urologist again. Just for interest sake, I had Bilateral Varicoceles which means in both Testes, most Varicoceles are only on the left, usually if on the right hand side that is an indication of Cancer. So bring on the Cancer scanner machine, not sure what they call it again Same thing once again, needed to get dressed into one of those stupid gowns which hang just above the knee and anything danggeling under it smacks the front of the dress like it's trying to escape or something, proving that men were not made to wear dresses. However this time I didnt know that I should leave me briefs on, so....... here we go. Again the long wait in the passage of embarassment, in the cold, no support for the jewls, nice draft up me backside and everyone wondering what I am doing there. Next up they call me to come and take the scan, so I slowly stumbled toward the Cancer room holding down my dress in the breeze. Wife was not allowed in so I was told to wait inside for the operator. Now you must understand, I had now been for xrays (dont ask me why the hell the doc wanted xrays of my nuts), I had been for a sonar scan (second story in case you might have forgot) and quite a few physical exams of that very precious area. The process always the same, enter the room, take off the stupid dress, lie down on the bed and wait for the Doc, simple right. WRONG.... I have never and I mean never heard anyone scream as loud as this woman did when she walked in and there I was lying butt naked on her cancer machine, now picture this, anyone who has ever been on one, it knida resembles the bed you lie on when you go see the Gyne, legs in those support things (wide open) arms down to the side and head tilted way back, almost looks like you are a dead turkey and about to be sacrificed. Now I'm sure she has seen woman in that position before but picture a guy lying with his legs wide open, butt naked and at an angle that only your toilet seat should see you in... ( enter the scream ) So I quickly jumped off as embarassed as hell, put back on the stupid gown and got back on the bed. I then heard a slient "are you decent?" Now how the hell do you answer that question when that person has seen you, a married man in that position She came back in and started preping me for the scan, I kept apologising but she kept saying she never saw anything, she was lying of coarse because I could still see the inprint my nuts left in her eye balls. However we pushed through like professionals and proceeded with the scan. The bed was so comfy and relaxing that at times I half fell asleep, the vibrating of the machine going from head to toe over my body also fealt so invigorating and the chair with its tilting action made it feel like I was on a cloud. The angle of the bed almost resembled a pyrimid, so your head and feet are lower than your abdomen. After about 3 scans and a few repeated ones it was over, she came out of her little room and when she got to me to help me off of the bed, um lets just say my dress had turned into a tent (I swear a family could camp under there). Now I dont know if it was the vibrating of the machine and the comfortable bed or what it was but I honestly never realized it, in fact I only realised it when I tried getting up from that arkward position, I must say one thing, I think the angle at which I was lying did make it look a whole lot worse and kinda complimented my size in a way Well now totally embarassed and one incident away from a sexual harassment law suite, I left the room with the stupid dress still showing a huge..... ok, big......ok ok, little bump, fortunately for me my wife was standing right outside the room, obviously worried after hearing the scream earlier but the lucky nurse woman did ensure that everything was fine before she came in the 2nd time. She walked infront of me all the way to the change rooms, blocking the view which was my tent. Now you can imagine how this looked to her but fortunately being the loving and trusting wife that she is, she simply just giggled and said, "as long as you enjoyed yourself my dear" making me even more embarassed. So what does this story prove.....? I think for all us guys out there it proves that just because your eggs are slightly scrambled and dont work so well, doesnt mean your sausage doesnt work either "
Most embarrassing moment 5
"Just a quick little one..... You all know my wife and I went for Sperm Freezing last week Thursday right? No, not another one of those horrible toilet stories. Anyway we went and I did what I had to, again like the darling Husband I am, taking one for the team
Well anyway, job done and explanation given. We were told to come back as many times as we can to give more swimmers, so yes the cup has officially joined our lives and will have to include him in future family potraits So anyway... getting back to the story, just before we left, my DW approached the reception counter and asked the young lady in Afrikaans (being in Pretoria) "so waneer kan my man weer kom?" Now immediately I picked up on the Pun and started laughing, a 2nd lady that had come out from the back could also not hold it in and she started laughing, my wife and the reception lady were left at the counter puzzled. The reception lady obviously didn't click that there was an error in my wifes words and can you believe... said, "enige tyd maar hy moet net vir 2 dae nie kla maak nie, voor sy volgende kuier." My wife confused, clicked all of a sudden when she saw me and the 2nd lady laughing. Shame she tried to correct the lady at the counter but there was no turning back, so we left the room red faced but in a very happy mood atleast, well I was anyway, and no not because of what I had just done (you dirty minded people) I must say we heard a huge roar of laughter come from the clinic when we were half way down the passage and I presume the counter lady was told her blonde moment. My wife also well aware of hers (most amazing thing, they were both brunettes) started walking faster and faster to escape the embarrasment. Anyway there's a nice embarassing story from my wifes side, sure she will kill me when she reads this tonight but hey I have taken enough punishment for one week, don't you think? "
Well anyway, job done and explanation given. We were told to come back as many times as we can to give more swimmers, so yes the cup has officially joined our lives and will have to include him in future family potraits So anyway... getting back to the story, just before we left, my DW approached the reception counter and asked the young lady in Afrikaans (being in Pretoria) "so waneer kan my man weer kom?" Now immediately I picked up on the Pun and started laughing, a 2nd lady that had come out from the back could also not hold it in and she started laughing, my wife and the reception lady were left at the counter puzzled. The reception lady obviously didn't click that there was an error in my wifes words and can you believe... said, "enige tyd maar hy moet net vir 2 dae nie kla maak nie, voor sy volgende kuier." My wife confused, clicked all of a sudden when she saw me and the 2nd lady laughing. Shame she tried to correct the lady at the counter but there was no turning back, so we left the room red faced but in a very happy mood atleast, well I was anyway, and no not because of what I had just done (you dirty minded people) I must say we heard a huge roar of laughter come from the clinic when we were half way down the passage and I presume the counter lady was told her blonde moment. My wife also well aware of hers (most amazing thing, they were both brunettes) started walking faster and faster to escape the embarrasment. Anyway there's a nice embarassing story from my wifes side, sure she will kill me when she reads this tonight but hey I have taken enough punishment for one week, don't you think? "
Shame... die arme man het "way" meer deurgemaak as wat enige man veronderstel is om te! Daar was nog so baie ander embarrasing moments wat van die ander dames ge post het, maar syne was net so vrek snaaks! Maar een dag het sy embarrasing moments geeindig met hierdie amazing storie (net jammer Hy besef nie wie het regtig sy miracle veroorsaak nie):
Sy wonderwerk:
"Hi Everyone,
You will not believe me, my wife is pregnant naturally with my child, my very own child.
We were scheduled to do an IVF with ICSI in Jan but guess that will not be necessary anymore.
I would like to tell you the story of how this happened and would really like you all to take something from this. I am not saying for one second that this will work for everyone but I do believe strongly that in life we control our own destinies and the power of positive thinking is what guides us in life.
Please again I am not trying to preach or to brag, would just really like to help even if it only helps in some way in your lives.
Well here goes.
You all know I had been for the varicocelectomy and results after that looked abysmal, since then they said I could have testicular failure because my count had fallen from 6 mil to 2 mil to 1mil and then to 70000. I then did freezing and planned for the IVF with ICSI in January.
To get back to the miracle (positive thinking) part......
I woke up one morning in October and decided you know what, I am tired, I am tired of battling, I am tired of living with this pain. We have been through the most difficult and most embarrassing times of our lives (you know all about that by now) and were about to face even tougher times. It was not only the strain of the financial implications (we are relatively well off and it was still implication) or what we had already been through to get no where. It was what I saw everyday when I looked into my wifes eyes, I could literally see her breaking heart and could see her dreams, wishes and faith fading away as the happiness was driven right out of her. I decided then and there that I was going to force my own way and take control of my life and excuse the language but "F$%K this.
I started believing my wife was pregnant, I went to bed every night saying... my wife is pregnant, there is nothing wrong and I am very happy, I woke up every morning saying the same thing and not only saying it but I believed it. I then spoke to her as if she were pregnant, I kept saying hows the baby doing and treated her as if she were pregnant. It was tough for her at times because she felt it was hurtful what I was doing, I then told her to please believe with me and just keep thinking, I am pregnant and am happy. We then role played this everyday and went to bed every night saying good night to our baby and good morning when we woke up. We literally started believing that she was pregnant, we sometimes forgot that she was not. And then when my wife asked my questions about what are we going to do in Jan with the IVF and how what happens if it doesn't work, I said to her, Honey you are already pregnant and we will not need to go in Jan. She wanted to kill me at times because she wanted to have a serious conversation about things but I kept my faith and kept telling her, you are pregnant, just please trust me, you are pregnant. This carried on for a month, we went as far as to buy her pregnancy pills and stuff, like Mum omega and other things, she bought a few cheap things like baby boots and stuff to keep the feeling real.
The key thing is.... this is not a Jesus miracle story, we still had to do the nasty so I took a huge interest into when she was ovulating and made sure that 2 days before and on the exact day we did the job and it sounds weird but mentally pictured my sperm swimming to her egg as I (blew off the lid) while we were busy I kept believing this is it, fatherhood here we come and never once doubted that she would be pregnant.
I then again kept telling her, you are pregnant, we continued with this and totally forgot about IVF, Infertility and everything else. We picked baby names, we pondered the height, eye colour and hair colour of our baby to be and most importantly I had convinced my wife after a month that maybe just maybe she could be. Now we had been battling for 2 years and I had results that the doctors wanted to give me sympathy gift baskets for. But I kept on saying, my wife is pregnant, I am so happy and all is wonderful.
Time came for periods and wait there ain't any, I kept saying, don't even look it ain't coming, you are pregnant, she doubted me a few times and at one stage wanted to waiver a bet which would have had her washing her mouth out with Listerine and toilet cleaner but I refused to let her humiliate herself and said, you are pregnant, trust me, you are pregnant.
After being almost 2 weeks late she wanted to take a pregnancy test, I told her it is not necessary, I told you a month ago already you are pregnant, we don't need to take one. She went behind my back yesterday and took one. Guess what......... She was pregnant, she was shaking, she was crying, she was absolutely floored with joy, I have never in my life seen anyone as happy as what she was but most importantly... She was PREGNANT. I calmly hugged her, kissed her and said see, I told you, you are pregnant. I was of course over joyed and bubbling inside but I must say I was not surprised, I guess after a month of convincing yourself that something is true, when it eventually is you don't find it as hard to believe. She then drew blood and it was confirmed an hour later that she had a little miracle growing inside of her.
We contacted everyone we knew and broke the news, it was so emotional and everyone kept asking me, how did you know, it is impossible, you cannot predict something like that so soon, I simply just replied..... I believed.
The doctors could not believe it when we contacted them, they said we do not know how lucky we are that with the results we had, it must be like a 3% chance to work but you know what, there was a chance.
My logic was that you only need 1 sperm to do the job and if I can just get 1 sperm to get through it would be enough, I mean I had 70000, so I am sure just one lazy sperm could do me a favour. I silently spoke to them in my mind saying, make me proud and do your job and looks like one was listening.
The moral of the story is just don't ever give up hope and believe that it can happen. Positive thinking is so powerful and when you believe in what you want you will get it even if it is not exactly the way you planned, it will happen. I am still and Infertile but have a happy story to share because of this, it did not magically change my results or my condition but you know what, I didn't need to.
I don't believe that thinking positively about flying will make you grow wings so that you can fly but I do believe that thinking positively could make you afford a plain so that you can fly.
I hope this story helps in some kind of way and I urge you to try this, this is an actual true life story that has worked for me and believe truly that it can work for you, we all have nothing to loose and to try something is worth it. Keep believing and never give up faith, it might not happen naturally, it might not even happen with an ART but trust me it will happen, if you believe, life will find away to make it happen.
Thanks again for reading and hope this story inspires you to achieve your miracles, I will be believing with all of you to, so goes the saying 2 heads are better than 1. I guess in Infertility that would not stand to reason and that would rather be called a 3 way haha, sorry had to add a bit of humour in there.
Stay well, keep your bed rocking and lets see those BFP's coming fast and furious."
So, om 'n lang storie tot 'n punt te bring... hierdie storie het my herinner hoe groot God is en hoe belangrik dit is om te glo... om hoop te he en om vas te hou aan Sy beloftes. Dankie weereens vir jul ondersteuning, dit is vir my wonderlik om te weet julle bid vir my .... waar vroue bid, gebeur daar dinge ek se julle- my wonderwerk is oppad!
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